Callie & I
( Outside Platinum Mall, Bkk- will blog about it soon)
Actually I dunno whether i'll be blogging often but i'll try to blog those interesting happenings like food hunting, traveling (surely the least cause i don't travel often), outing with friends and maybe visiting special places (not sure of this, lol) ? And maybe I'll update my blog once or twice a week of i can :)
Pink Whimsical Dreams? This name came from my bestie, Lee Yee. She's super creative, can think of many ideas for things. she gave me a few good names cause I couldn't think of a special name for my blog so asked her for help. I like the colour pink so i added pink into the title. Although whimsical dreams means fantasized dreams but it sounds nice so :D As they say, some dreams do come true.
Edexcel exams are coming up in January so December will be a busy month! Today's date so special 21.11.12. Great day to start a blog! Cheers!
Lee Yee, me and Summer
L class pose