Friday, 1 February 2013

2013 Resoluciones

It's the beginning of February and I am only blogging about resolutions now -.- Sorry about the late post and a month of MIA from blogging. Just finished the terrible horrible Edexcel Exams last week and now back to college. Not even a single day of holiday for us MCKL students :(

Nevertheless, I have to say that I had a great year in 2012 and I bet that 2013 will be a better year :) So here goes my Resoluciones ( Resolutions in Spanish)

1. Get good results for EDEXCEL 

Hopefully I do not need to retake a lot of papers for the last sem, fingers crossed! And maybe get A*AAB. B for Chem ( Weakest subject now)

2. Be prettier and have better skin

Hope that I'll have a successful diet plan to get skinnier and have better skin complexion.

3. Have Future life plans

This is because i don't know what i want to do for the future yet, really clueless. Maybe take gap year or study locally then twinning? Hopefully I'll decide soon so that I won't waste any time.

4. Spend more time with my friends

As we are going to part our ways after edexcels, I reckon that we need to spend more time together before they leave to UK, US and other countries. So more food hunting, movie dates, travelling and shopping *hint hint*

Have not gone out with Le last year. And Gwen also although we're in the same college. And my other college mates also.

5. Food Hunting

Eat and dine and different types of restaurants and cafes with my friends and family so that i can blog about them.

Oops all dessert pictures. Maybe cause I'm craving for good and yummy desserts!

6. Travel


Travel with the besties also. Can't wait for our july/aug trip!!

Visit Disneyland

Watch fireworks

Experience these four seasons in different countries

7. Shop and buy pretty things

New wallet from Marc Jacobs maybe cause I really new a new purse.

8. Take nicer pictures for my blog

9. Be happy

 That's all the main ones i can think of now. There'll be additions along the way. But to summarise

That's all for this short post about my 2013 resolutions. 

All pics are taken from Tumblr, not mine. And didn't take much pictures in Jan because of exams and no Iphone. Getting iphone replaced by Maxis, need 7 - 14 days. Should be getting is soon, at least before CNY! CNY in two weeks, Woohoo or should i say Ulala. Lol. Excited for CNY! Writing my Bangkok post now!



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