Sorry for being so inactive and not updating for sooo long. September was a sad sad month for me as all most of my friends left to UK and HK and other countries to further their studies. So as always before they leave, we'll have our final hang out and nom-ming session. Will do the food part in a separate post.
Steph and I
At myBurgerlab with Steph, Celes, Fred, Wey, Willie and Yuun
With Steph, Fred, Juin and Celes at Pastis
Super blur picture of us at Dip N Dip
Then there was a farewell party by Amanda for our FM class and her close friends
Amanda, Qin Ni and Kay Yi!
The rest of my FM class that i'll miss :(
Ka Jun & Matthew
Also, Callie who left to Hong Kong earlier in August
Miss hanging out with them
Miss her so much :(
Going to miss all these people a lot!
Also, we found an app for group video calls called ooVoo. So I ooVoo-ed with Summer and Rylin (Lee Yee) although the thing that was said the whole night was 'I CAN'T SEE *INSERT OUR NAME*' hahaha
Summer and her hair shampoo commercial, lolol
Guess they don't have so much free time for ooVoo anymore since they have more and more assignments coming up in uni.
Can't wait for them to come back during summer and hang out together again. Didn't manage to meet up with some of my other friends before they left but I guess I'll see them when they come back to KL. Also, didn't have a lot of pictures in my phone so I can only post these. Writing my next post now so till next time :) Oh and I'm watching this new drama by Lee Min Ho, The Heirs. It just started airing this week so go watch it!!
Till the next time!
We need to ooVoo again.