Time really flies. It's already the last week of classes in college for me. 18 months is really too short to hang out with my college friends. I think i really will miss college life after I study in uni or work during my gap year. Nevertheless, back to my blog post.
Suit Up Day '13 was held last Tuesday and is the day where every student in the graduating cohort, 1201, 1203 dress up in formal, blazers, suits etc and attend the event. But it's not compulsory for all, I know some of my friends didn't attend this event. At first i didn't know what we were going to do there except for taking photographs and having food (mainly what i did :P) Before the event started, Mr Reuben went up to ask some questions and give away prizes. Didn't know MCKL had their own pendrive and power bank, lol. But at that time, everyone already began taking pictures with their cameras and smartphones. Same for us as well.
Our #OOTD for the day
Pale Coral top with Ribbon from F21, Guess Pants and Leopard Print wedges
After the question and answer session, a student from every cohort went up and talked about their experience in college. After that, we had our cohort picture taken. 1201 was a really big group, too bad I don't have the group shot. Then I think after that, everyone went outside for the food. Pizza and drinks for everyone. After which we continue to take photographs. Didn't manage to take a lot of pictures with my friends. Here are some of them.
Vee Yen, Celes and I
Vee Yen is a really cute girl. I met her in IELTS class and we were good friends from then. Plus, she's very good in singing. She even has her own video on Youtube! And in this picture, Celes stood in the middle cause the both of us had bangs.
Met Meryl in IELTS class and we were in the same dorm for orientation camp. She's super pretty right? Really jealous of her fair complexion and big pretty eyes. Also we were in the Leo Club so we attended a lot of project together. She wore a cute black peplum skirt that day (can't see from the picture cause its blur). And Giselle photobombed at the back, hahaha.
Met her in Orientation Camp also, we were in the same group. She's really nice and tall! Forever envy her height! *ghostly Min Xiang at the back
I met smiley Gwen when i was in Form 4 in Mr Cheang's tuition. I still remember how we always sit on the table with girls and struggle for SPM. And we ended coming to the same college!
Ee Vein
Miss Ballerina who is very good in sports as well. Just realised, we have 'Ee' in our names!
Chen Ming and I
Stole this picture from him cause I didn't snap a picture with my phone. Chen Ming helps me a lot with me Iphone stuff and also tease me about FM hw. His fav sentence 'have you finished your math homework?'
William Ma
He's like another Ian Lee, very funny!
Yuan Yao
He's a genius in our class. Can solve all the maths, physics and chem questions! We used to be lab partners then Celes became my partner.
Li Yang wearing all black and Jia En who had a cute bow tie on. Both of them are very funny in class. So going to miss them and their jokes. See Vee Yen smiling at the back?
Jae Han and Arvind
The guys from the other FM class. Jae Han's really good in carrom and Arvind is another smart guy in our class.
Kevin Lim
Funny guy who I always bump into in 1 Utama and we are in the same class for Physics. Also another funny guy!
Miss Green! Been friends with her since Form 1 and hopefully we'll be friends for many more years to come.
Shin Yee aka Sam
Same name as the Sam Ng from WMS. She's tall and pretty and she's a ballerina too! We're not from the same class but we're still good friends.
Looi Ling aka Apple
Vee Yen, Apple and I
With Amanda
Been friends with her since primary school. More than 10 years of friendship!
Maximillian, Matthew and Amanda
Everyone said Max looked like a dad that day. Matthew is the funny guy in our FM class.
Actually there are more pictures but are not posted here because they were very blurr
Celestine :D
So happy that she got all her offers to UK. Been besties since Form 1 and I hope that we'll still be besties even when she goes to UK for her studies :)
Actually there's a lot of events that I did not blog about.
Yen Theng, Yee Wey and me
Mime Kevin, Sunflower Andrew and Ninja Arvind
Orientation Ball:
Ee Vein, Giselle, Celine and me
Phin Yuan, Jun Yan, Celes, Max and Jon
Pretty Kay Yi and me
Random: Wore this shoe for the last 2 weeks of classes because they banned slippers and so I can't wear my Birkenstock -.-
And on Labour Day if you all went to Lot 10, you must have seen our Leo club having the Plasticman Project. We managed to exchange 1500 plastic bags! Will talk about it in another blog post.
And, BANGKOK? Will blog about it after my exams, probably in June?
So this is probably my last post cause I am going to hard core study for edexcels. It's the last sem so must work really really hard for the grades. Till I blog again!
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